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How to Replace the SP3379D1H Battery in Your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0

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Use this detailed step-by-step repair guide to help you replace the battery in your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0

Necessary Replacement Parts:

Necessary Replacement Tools:

Note: Above tools are included for FREE when this replacement battery is purchased from mpfproducts.com.

Step 1

  • Separate the screen from the back cover. To do this use a plastic opening tool and gently insert into the seam and pry open, continue around the perimeter of the screen until it is loose from the back

Step 2

  • Remove the back cover. Once you have fully separated the screen with the plastic opening tool you should be able to fully remove the back cover by hand. 

Step 3

  • Disconnect the battery. To do this you will need a small tool, such as a plastic opening tool or tweezers. Gently place a tool under the battery wires and pull upward until it is released from the port. 

Step 4 

  • Remove the battery. After the battery is disconnected, you should be able to remove the battery by hand. There is adhesive on the battery to keep it securely in place but you should be able to remove it safely by gently pulling. 

Step 5


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